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Chicago Daily Law Bulletin: Creatives have been hit hard by COVID, but there are ways to help


"Every industry has been affected by the COVID-19 crisis, and it is up to those who are able to now help the people most impacted in our communities."

Julie Miceli discusses how nearly 3 million people in the creative industries have lost their jobs during the pandemic. The full article, Creatives have been hit hard by COVID, but there are ways to help, looks at how many artists, without the promise of a steady job, have turned to freelancing and starting their own businesses, which presents a unique set of legal challenges that not all new entrepreneurs are prepared to navigate.

Miceli writes attorneys are in a unique position to help these individuals and business by offering services that will not only help them get their businesses up and running to sustain their own income but will also help our communities recover from the effects of COVID-19.


Julie Miceli
