Broken budgets, not hostile takeovers, are the biggest challenge for most college presidents, Husch Blackwell's Chuck Ambrose and Michael T. Nietzel, president emeritus of Missouri State University, write.
As co-authors Ambrose and Nietzel document in their book, Colleges on the Brink: The Case for Financial Exigency (Rowman & Littlefield), many colleges and universities now find themselves in various degrees of financial precarity. Every higher education sector is facing such risks: public and private schools, two-year and four-year institutions, and for-profit and not-for profit colleges are in the same leaky boat. A prolonged stretch of sinking enrollments, a global pandemic, funding uncertainties, a public increasingly skeptical of the value of higher ed, and a tendency to overbuild and overspend have left hundreds of colleges facing unsustainable futures.
Read the full article: ‘Colleges on the Brink’: Broken budgets, not hostile takeovers, are the biggest challenge for most presidents