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Speaker, "Navigating the Growing Labyrinth of Evolving State PFAS Laws Impacting Consumer Products," ACI's Summit on PFAS – Regulation, Compliance and Litigation

May 30, 2024

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Seth Mailhot will present, "Navigating the Growing Labyrinth of Evolving State PFAS Laws Impacting Consumer Products," at ACI’s Summit on PFAS – Regulation, Compliance and Litigation on Thursday, May 30, 2024.

Manufacturers, distributors, and retailers of consumer products across a broad spectrum of industries are now being impacted by laws regulating PFAS, with over 100 PFAS-related regulatory policies in place across nearly 25 U.S. states. The dangers for these companies continue to escalate as states are creating new and inconsistent laws, and the penalties and litigation risks for non-compliance can be substantial. This panel will analyze:

  • The most critical state-by-state PFAS laws to be aware of, including those relating to:
    • PFAS in packaging, containers and food wrappers
    • PFAS in cosmetics
    • Product labeling and disclosures
    • Bans on the intentional addition of PFAS
    • Thresholds for the unintentional addition of PFAS
  • Navigating discrepancies in state PFAS testing standards, compliance timelines and penalties for non-compliance
  • Strategies for developing a cross-state PFAS compliance strategy

For more information, visit the event website.


Seth A. Mailhot
