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Thought Leadership

What Every Nonprofit Board Member and Officer Needs to Know About Governance

September 1, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. CT

Join Husch Blackwell for an in-depth discussion of governance for nonprofits. This webinar will cover organizational structure, sources of governance authority, and suggested policies, as well as additional topics. You’ll walk away with practical information you can use to steer your organization towards a sustainable future.

Matthew Perlow, Partner, Husch Blackwell

Who Should Attend
Board members, officers, and volunteers in nonprofit organizations.

Continuing Education Credit
This program is pending approval for Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin continuing legal education credit.

Questions? Contact Emily Shaw at 414.978.5785.


Matthew G. Perlow

Senior Counsel