Dawn assists legal teams in spotting defense strategies surrounding medical, epidemiological and genetic issues.
Dawn combines a journalism degree, more than 20 years as a paralegal, and certificates in epidemiology, biostatistics and clinical trials to assist attorneys handling asbestos litigation, mass tort, product liability, premises liability, personal injury and related chemical-medical matters on behalf of clients. Dawn’s issue-spotting, troubleshooting and investigation includes:
- Analyzing medical aspects of mass tort cases
- Preparing medical chronologies
- Researching current medical literature regarding genetic issues
- Reviewing case-specific medical issues
- Communicating epidemiological and other relevant scientific findings to case teams
Clients and attorneys appreciate Dawn’s analysis and her naturally inquisitive nature when it comes to issues of alternative causation, genetic mutations, family history and susceptibility, particularly cases involving cancers including mesothelioma, lung cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.