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With a broad background in litigation and a passion for legal argument, Doug defends clients in commercial litigation and appellate matters.

Doug draws on more than 15 years as a litigator and has represented clients in a variety of general commercial cases, including breach of contract, tort, statutory claims and shareholder disputes. He also has an extensive insurance coverage practice and has represented insurers in both first-party and third-party actions. Doug makes it a priority to delve into a client’s business needs in order to understand what’s truly the best and most practical solution from the client’s perspective. He was drawn to a legal career partly because he saw it as an opportunity to get a bird’s eye view of how businesses operate—a topic that continues to fascinate him.

Known for his analytical and problem-solving skills, Doug has also built a reputation for a pragmatic approach to litigation, as well as an ability to weigh both details and the bigger picture. He makes a point of drilling down into the minutiae of a case while still considering the larger implications of a legal strategy and the potential effects of the case on the client’s overall business.

While Doug continues to handle commercial litigation, he is focused increasingly on appellate work, recently litigating three separate appeals before the Wisconsin Supreme Court in a single court term. Doug enjoys the intellectual challenge of litigation and appellate work, describing the process of putting together a solid brief as akin to assembling a jigsaw puzzle. He’s excited about digging into cases and the relevant law, and he especially loves appellate law for its intellectual challenge. Before entering private practice, Doug served as the law clerk for the Hon. Patience D. Roggensack of the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Doug is the author or co-author of multiple law review articles.  His work on affirmative action jurisprudence, New Federalism and Wisconsin’s risk contribution doctrine has been published in the Marquette Law Review, Boston University Law Review and Pace Environmental Law Review, respectively.




  • Best Lawyers, Commercial Litigation, 2021–2022, Insurance Law, 2022


  • J.D., Marquette University Law School
    • Law Review, Senior Note and Comment Editor
  • B.S., Miami University


  • Wisconsin
  • U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin
  • U.S. District Court, Western District of Wisconsin
  • U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit

Professional Memberships and Certifications

  • Milwaukee Bar Association
  • State Bar of Wisconsin
    • Appellate Practice Section, Board of Directors


  • Honorable Patience D. Roggensack, Wisconsin Supreme Court
2023 Pro Bono Champion
  • Argued before the Wisconsin Supreme Court (three times), the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and the Tennessee Court of Appeals.
  • Prevailed in the Wisconsin Supreme Court on the issue of whether a county sales and use tax complied with Wisconsin statute.
  • Achieved reversal of Court of Appeals decision and a holding from the Wisconsin Supreme Court that the made-whole doctrine did not prevent an insurer from subrogating, and that the insurer did not engage in bad faith.
  • Achieved judgment in favor of taxpayers in federal gift tax refund suit following bench trial.
  • Achieved several summary judgments in insurance cases, declaring insurer did not have a duty to defend.
  • Obtained reversal of circuit court summary judgment as to the applicability and scope of an umbrella insurance policy.
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Outside the Office

Doug spends most of his free time with his family.

With two daughters in elementary school, Doug and his wife make family time a priority. He can often be found cheering on his kids at a soccer game, lacrosse match or gymnastics meet. The family especially enjoys attending musical theatre productions and trying out new hobbies, including horseback riding.

Before becoming parents, Doug and his wife were world travelers who married in Jamaica, honeymooned in Portugal and named Belize and Greece as their favorite destinations. They hope to share this passion with their daughters as they grow and recently took their first big international trip as a family to Paris.

Community Leadership

Doug is a frequent volunteer with Kids Impact Community (KIC), a Milwaukee nonprofit founded and led by his wife. The organization aims to get children out into the local community where they can volunteer at food pantries, senior centers, disadvantaged schools and other places.