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Matt resolves disputes and litigation for commercial clients in the cleanest way possible.

With extensive experience as a commercial and employment litigator, Matt thrives on advocating for clients. His practice includes high-stakes contractual and business disputes; defending and prosecuting employment claims for discrimination, wrongful termination, and wage and hour allegations; and litigating insurance coverage disputes and bad-faith claims. Matt works with a variety of clients concentrated in the technology, manufacturing, and transportation industries, including global corporations and Fortune 500 companies. Matt’s diverse practice has also included defending large product liability and toxic tort matters, including the defense of private military housing providers from claims of mold exposure in multi-district and class action disputes.

Matt has tried cases to verdict, and he has argued and won appeals in both state and federal court. He understands the importance—and the art—of presenting a clear, coherent, fact-driven narrative that juries can readily grasp. However, his goal is always to pursue the outcome that’s best for the client, and often, that isn’t trial. Matt knows that in many disputes, drawn-out litigation isn’t beneficial to either party and can be an expensive distraction from business goals. Instead, he seeks the best, cleanest, least intrusive solution for the client, whether that’s arbitration, mediation, settlement, or, in some cases, a full trial.

Aggressive when necessary and conciliatory when not, Matt cares deeply about the client’s best interests. He’s known for his straightforward counsel, always ensuring that clients are fully informed from the outset on the realities of the litigation process. Clients value his open communication and his honest assessment of the risks and benefits of any strategy.




  • Minnesota Super Lawyers Rising Star, 2023-2024


  • J.D., Boston University School of Law
  • B.S., Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations


  • Minnesota
  • New York
  • U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York
  • U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York
  • U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan
  • U.S. District Court, District of Colorado
  • U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas
  • U.S. District Court, Western District of Texas
  • U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit

Professional Memberships and Certifications

  • American Bar Association
  • Hennepin County Bar Association
  • Successfully first-chaired jury trial in breach of contract action.
  • Defended military housing providers from claims of mold exposure in multi-plaintiff and class action disputes.
  • Defended excess insurer in claim for coverage of millions of dollars in defense costs relating to SEC investigation and settlement.
  • Defended coverage claims related to adversarial action brought in bankruptcy court.
  • Defended company and its officers and directors from charges of breach of fiduciary duty by common stockholders arising from merger transaction.
  • Prosecuted breach of contract case on behalf of former president of local nonprofit development corporation.
  • Defended auto parts company from claims of age discrimination and retaliation.
  • Defended elevator maintenance company in race discrimination lawsuit filed by former employee.
  • Prosecuted and successfully resolved claims for gender and pregnancy discrimination.
  • Defended municipality in multi-plaintiff asbestos litigation.
Webinar | June 18, 2024
Minnesota Employment Law Update
Outside the Office

Matt enjoys reading, live theatre, and playing with his two dogs, an Australian Cattle Dog mix and a Boston Terrier. The pets particularly love trips to a nearby Minneapolis city park.

Matt also devotes a great deal of his free time to DIY work on his house: he and his wife recently bought a home in Minneapolis and have undertaken frequent renovations.

Community Leadership

Matt values pro bono work and has worked frequently in the employment area—especially during the pandemic, when he routinely assisted individuals in New York seeking unemployment benefits. He has also assisted the Animal Defense Partnership in litigation.