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COVID-19: Updates to Nursing Facility Surveys and Infection Control Deficiencies

July 1, 2020
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. CT

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Join us for a webinar addressing the nursing facility survey process and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services increased focus on infection control in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The presentation will give a broad overview of the Quality Safety and Oversight Group publications from this spring addressing the survey process and the relevant F-Tags. We will also review timing and enforcement of surveys as well as potential penalties for cited deficiencies.  

Ragini A. Acharya, Attorney
Michael R. Crowe, Partner
Elizabeth LaFoe, Attorney

Who Should Attend
Operators and in-house counsel for nursing home facilities.

Continuing Education Credit
This program is pending approval for Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin continuing legal education credit.

CARES Act, COVID-19 & Return-to-Work Guidance
Husch Blackwell provides guidance regarding COVID-19 updates, the CARES Act and rapidly changing state-by-state orders, including those that impact stay-at-home and return-to-work protocols. Contact these legal teams or your Husch Blackwell attorney to plan a way through and beyond the pandemic. 

Questions? Contact Shana Hoy at 816.983.8809.


Elizabeth LaFoe Frederick

Senior Counsel