With a unique combination of engineering acumen, legal savvy and public service, Karin offers clients a real regulatory advantage in managing water resources and reducing flood risk.
She understands the challenges and divergent perspectives of companies, landowners, regulators and communities. And, having always lived near waterways, Karin has seen, and experienced, flooding firsthand.
She has more than 20 years’ experience as a licensed professional engineer working alongside federal agencies, local communities, private businesses and nonprofits on all aspects of flood control, damage reduction and risk mitigation.
As a lawyer, she counsels clients on a wide range of flood protection matters and leads them through the complex steps necessary to finance, build, operate and maintain their infrastructure. Karin draws on her background as an engineer, when she designed civil works in the private sector and then in local government provided oversight for a $600 million waterways program.
Clients turn to Karin for her in-depth experience in evaluating water resource management challenges and assessing opportunities from all angles. She is effective at launching new initiatives, advancing ongoing efforts, generating consensus from stakeholders with a multitude of interests, and navigating the evolving water resources regulatory framework.
Karin speaks nationally on topics of flood risk and floodplain management and is active in local, regional and national organizations involved in public safety and water resources infrastructure.
Karin’s personal experience, professional engineering and legal acumen, along with her work in the private, public and nonprofit sectors, all combine to provide her with a comprehensive and informed perspective on management of water and related land resources, especially in the area of levees, flood protection and mitigation.